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Generating an Authorization Code

To preface, devices that we send will be activated, this is for if you want to add your own tablet or other device.

  1. Log in to BasilBackOffice using your provided username and password.
  2. Navigate to the left side of the screen and look for the tab that says “devices.” Click there.
  3. After clicking you will see a tab that says “Get Auth Code.” Click on that one
  4. In the top right of that page, there will be a button that says “Get Auth Code,” click on that and a pop up box with your code will appear.
  5. Using the Index number we’ve provided, login to the BasilPOS app and enter the auth code as the password.
  6. This will activate your account and allow you to use your POS from a device that you brought in yourself, or one that we provided.

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